
The Problem of the Old Testament: Hermeneutical, Schematic & Theological Approaches is unavailable, but you can change that!

For Christians, the Old Testament often presents a conundrum. Theologians and laypeople throughout church history have struggled to define it, interpret it, and reconcile it with the New Testament. Laying a foundation for constructive study of the Old Testament, Duane A. Garrett surveys three primary methods Christians have used to handle the Old Testament, from the church fathers to today:...

The ideal of a pure and just society living in security in its land comes about in Jesus’ kingdom. The Law anticipates the New Covenant, and Christ is at the heart of the New Covenant. The law as an ideal of righteousness and basis of judgment. The New Testament has two apparently contradictory images of the Law as a foundation for judgment. On the one hand, it was given only to Israel and only Israel is judged by it. Those who are without the Law are judged without it (Rom 2:12; 4:15; 5:13). On
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